Ysgol Bro Ingli raise money for Air Ambulance Charity

Ysgol Bro Ingli raise money for Air Ambulance Charity

Pupils from Ysgol Bro Ingli completed a sponsored walk and raised more than £1,500 for Wales Air Ambulance Charity.

The pupils walked around the Newport, after the charity was called out to save somebody who the children knew, and raised £1,610 in the process.

Approximately 90 pupils took part in the walk, aged between three and 11, with the older children walking four miles while the younger pupils walked a mile.

Proud headteacher at Ysgol Bro Ingli, Enfys Howells, said: “We feel enormous pride that we are able to help such a great cause and this is the largest sum of money we have ever raised for a charity so we are really, really proud.”

The sponsored walk is the first time the school has raised funds for the Wales Air Ambulance, but it ‘definitely won’t be the last time.’

Enfys added: “All families gave something towards the cause as it is a charity close to everyone's hearts. No one knows when they will need the Wales Air Ambulance’s help.”

Katie Macro, campaigns manager for Wales Air Ambulance Charity, said: “The children have done a superb job in raising money for the Wales Air Ambulance. We’re delighted to hear that the school would like to raise funds for the Wales Air Ambulance in the future. Diolch yn fawr, Pawb.”